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Sometimes smaller is best

Big agencies are good at many things. Executive communications usually isn't one of them.

After many years in the communications business, we've seen far too many organizations that do a poor job of utilizing one of their best assets: their executive leadership. When they turn to their agency of record for help in delivering an executive comms plan, the big agency often hands over the task to a junior staffer or intern. It's not seen as high-value work.

We disagree. We do more than just recommend the right venues, the right media and the most influential audiences. We write powerful speeches. We help you develop a company narrative. We help you tell your most compelling stories. We advise you on how to utilise traditional and social media, as well as internal communications, to extend the range and power of your executive speeches and public appearances. We help integrate your plan into your internal comms strategy. We coach your executives to improve their stage presence and speaking skills. We can even manage your events.


Because we are a small team, we give your executives our undivided attention. They won't be dealing with interns or inexperienced staffers who don't know the difference between a podium and a lectern. We work with a network of skilled associates, all of whom are veteran communicators who know this business well.

Most importantly, we love what we do. We have a passion for good writing and editing, and for effective communications. And, really, who doesn't like applause?

We do this because it's fun and we're damned good at it. It's that simple.

Want to experience what Brian Akre & Associates can do for your company or organization? Call or write us today.

We stand ready to create some applause for you.


USA: +1-540-565-4499 EUROPE: +31-6-2180-9236 (NOTE: NEW NUMBERS as of 01 JULY 2020)

Brian Akre & Associates is a wholly owned affiliate of Brian Akre Communications, registered in The Netherlands.  "We Create Applause" is a registered trademark of Brian Akre Communications. ©2018 Brian Akre Communications

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